Who are the training providers?

UXQCC training providers are carefully selected and curated by the UXQCC Board. Maintaining and increasing the quality of education is their top priority.

How do I get access to the proctored online exam without personal training?

Students who cannot or do not want to attend personal training have the possibility to purchase an access code for the proctored online test.

How is the exam held?

In almost all cases, the examination is a computer-based exam that must be taken in a proctored environment. Paper-based exams are available in several locations worldwide (exam centers) on request only. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions. You have to answer the questions in a given timeframe. At the end of a computer-based exam, you immediately know your results.

How many questions does the test have?

The exam consists of 40 to 60 multiple-choice questions.

How is the quality and topicality of the course and the exam content guaranteed?

Exams are carried out by GASQ to ensure quality and reliability. GASQ is ISO9001:2008 certified, and ISO17024:2012 audited.

What is GASQ?

Global Association for Software Quality, abbreviated GASQ, is an international exam provider and a leading association in the software quality industry. GASQ was founded by experts from Europe, Asia, and America as an independent, international non-profit association aiming to advocate and promote software quality in research, teaching, and industry.